Education is at the heart of WASDA’s mission. We support communities, local partners and key government’s ministries in their efforts to ensure that all children–including the most vulnerable and marginalized—have the right to a quality basic education.
Our education projects in Kenya and Somalia covers a range of activities, including basic literacy and life skills through both formal and non-formal systems, education grants and fee support, teacher training support, distribution of school learning materials, construction and rehabilitation of school infrastructures as well as support to school feeding programs.
With support from partners in the education sector, we were able to reach thousands of children, youth, and adults from refugee, IDPs and host communities, thus contributing to improving education sector.

Current projects
Support to the return of refugees through a community-oriented approach to reintegration in Somalia
With support from GIZ, WASDA is implementing skills training project in Kismayo. The intervention is targeting 120 women from IDPs, returnees and vulnerable host community. The project mainly establishes women groups. These groups are trained on different skills such as tailoring, salon and beautification, tie & dye, bakery and cafeteria. After training, the groups are given start up kits in the form of machines and equipment.
Empowering Somali youth to meaningfully contribute to the wellbeing of Somalia people
The goal of this project is empower Somali youth and harness their full potential in order to meaningfully contribute to the peace building process, alternative livelihood opportunities as well as the general wellbeing of Somalia people. This project is implemented in Dhobley town, Somalia.
The project trains youth on different vocational skills training such as mechanics, tailoring, metal work, electrical as well as computer application skills. Each year 240 students graduate from the Centre with different skills. After completion the students are given startup kits to enable them start their own business.