Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL)
Food security and livelihood is a key area of focus for WASDA as it aims to improve the livelihood situation of the vulnerable communities. The organization uses multiple approaches like economic empowerment, cash for work, skills development as well as value chain support for agricultural and livestock sub-sectors that secure sustainable livelihoods.
In Kenya and Somalia, WASDA implements a wide range of food security and livelihood support projects such as cash for work to prevent loss of assets, emergency food voucher, capacity development in agricultural sector through good agricultural practices, providing agricultural inputs like seeds and farm tools and improving the livestock sector value chain as strategies to promote, protect and strengthen vulnerable communities’ abilities to recover and bounce back from shocks and stresses as well as become resilient. In addition, the organization supports capital assets and economic recovery initiatives like business skills training, provision of business grants and start-up kits, and literacy training support to women and girls owned VSLAs groups.
WASDA targets the most vulnerable community members especially women, girls, PWDs, IDPs, returnees, minority groups among others. We work with the communities, respective government ministries to design and implement sustainable solutions that improve the resilience of the communities.

Current projects
Livestock Market Systems
Is a three-year project funded by USAID Feed the Future (FtF) Livestock Market Systems Development Activity for northern Kenya through ACDIVOCA. WASDA is a sub recipient of the award implementing in partnership with Mercy Corps in Wajir South.
This project is in line with USAID’s Feed the Future Initiative and specifically will improve households’ income, productive assets and resilience to drought and other shocks. Specific areas of focus include: strengthened and sustained rangeland and water management; strengthened drought risk management; strengthened conflict management; improved and sustained health, nutrition, and hygiene practices; improved literacy, numeracy, and life skills; and collaborative action and learning for community empowerment.