Health and Nutrition
Health and nutrition as a sector is central to WASDA’s mission of promoting sustainable nutrition and basic primary health care services. The organization works with communities, line ministries of national and regional governments as well as other key actors running similar projects in Kenya and Somalia.
Over the past 15 years, WASDA has adopted an integrated programming that seeks to improve access to basic primary health care services (such as maternal, new born and child health, sexual and reproductive health), while at the same time providing coordinated life-saving nutrition interventions to vulnerable populations specifically targeting infant and young children as well as pregnant and lactating mothers.

Current projects
Lower Juba Emergency Support Project Phase II
This project is funded by USAID OFDA. The main goal of the project is to improve the ability of crisis affected households and communities in Lower Juba, Somalia to meet their needs and build capacity for long-term recovery to enhance the communities’ ability to cope with and recover from natural shocks.
The project is implemented under three sectors: WASH, Health and Nutrition. Under the health and nutrition, the project has established three fixed nutrition centres (one stabilization centre and 2 OTP/TSFP centres) in Afmadhow and Kulbiyow. The project has facilitated changes in health seeking behavior and utilization of nutrition services provided at the centers. A total of 6,271 children under-five have been admitted and treated for both curative and preventive services in the current project. The project provides basic preventive and curative services for the affected population, before referral – this includes provision of health information/advice, first aid and basic essential medicines at the same time disseminating health messages.