Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
The core business of WASDA has been and remains to be Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). WASDA has made a tremendous commitment and contribution to enhancing efforts to improve access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene facilities to displaced families (IDPs) and vulnerable households by National and County governments.
WASDA has utilized diverse methods and approaches, including working directly with communities, institutions such as schools and health facilities as well as corporation with other key actors, in orders to address water, sanitation and hygiene related challenges in many parts of Kenya and Somalia.
Over the past two decades, we have managed to reach out to more 400,000 community members with improved water supply infrastructure through borehole rehabilitation, construction of storage tanks and reticulation systems, installation of hybrid solar systems and gen-sets to borehole as well as emergency water supply to vulnerable households and their livestock. Other interventions such as construction of gender sensitive latrines, distribution of hygiene items, hygiene information and education was carried out at various parts across these countries.

Current projects
WASH, Protection and Livelihoods support to drought and conflict affected population in Lower Juba Region, Somalia.
This is a three-year GAC (Global Affairs Canadian) funded through CARE project designed to support and build resilience of drought and conflict affected population in Lower Juba Region, Somalia. The project is specifically implemented in Badhadhe and Afmadhow districts.
Major areas of focus for this project include rehabilitation of strategic water sources, Emergency water supply, Capacity building of Water Management Committees (WMCs) on basic operation, Construction of gender sensitive latrines with hand washing facility, Hygiene promotion and provision of gender sensitive hygiene kits.
Emergency WASH response for Kismayo new settlement 2018
This is Eight – Months GIZ funded initiative intended at improving access to water and hygiene practices for the internally displaced persons, returnees and vulnerable inhabitants in Kismayo through installation of low – cost simple rain-water harvesting technology that involves the capture and storing of rainwater.
The project directly and indirectly targets a total of population of 21,640 from internally displaced persons, returnees and vulnerable host community in Kismayo.
Protection, Sustainable Livelihoods and improved Hygiene for IDP in Kismayo
This is a one-year project funded by Stichting Vluchteling (SV). The project is implemented in Kismayo town. Its targeting IDP’s with livelihood, WASH and protection interventions. The project provides dignity kits to adolescent girls targeting 200 IDP households, at the same time it will target 200 households with Non-food items.
Lower Juba Emergency Support Project Phase II
This is a two– year USAID OFDA funded project. The main goal of the project is to improve the ability of crisis affected households and communities in Lower Juba, Somalia to meet their needs and build capacity for long-term recovery to enhance the communities’ ability to cope with and recover from natural shocks.
The project has three sectors: WASH, Health and Nutrition. The project ensure that targeted communities have access to sustained and safe drinking water, basic sanitation and improved hygiene behavior through the rehabilitation of strategic water points, improve sanitation and enhance hygiene promotion. The project targets 32,907 vulnerable individuals.