Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
The core business of WASDA has been and remains to be Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). WASDA has made a tremendous commitment and contribution to enhancing efforts to improve access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene facilities to displaced families (IDPs) and vulnerable households by National and County governments.
WASDA has utilized diverse methods and approaches, including working directly with communities, institutions such as schools and health facilities as well as corporation with other key actors, in orders to address water, sanitation and hygiene related challenges in many parts of Kenya and Somalia.
Over the past two decades, we have managed to reach out to more 400,000 community members with improved water supply infrastructure through borehole rehabilitation, construction of storage tanks and reticulation systems, installation of hybrid solar systems and gen-sets to borehole as well as emergency water supply to vulnerable households and their livestock. Other interventions such as construction of gender sensitive latrines, distribution of hygiene items, hygiene information and education was carried out at various parts across these countries.

Current projects
Program for Strengthening Pastoralists’ Enhanced Recovery (PROSPER) in Wajir County
Is a one-year project being implemented by WASDA in Wajir County and funded by USAID/OFDA. The project is intended to support pastoral drought recovery activities. This project is designed based on the strengthening of existing community capacities as a way of enhancing the communities coping mechanisms to various shocks such as droughts and other natural calamities with the purpose of risk reduction and promoting resilience. The key actions been implemented covers the following areas: – improve community water supply infrastructure, economic recovery and market systems and risk management policy and practice.
This intervention is expected to promote the recovery of 220,498 beneficiaries living in Wajir County to reduce the effects of the recurrent drought and climatic shocks through the implementation of activities designed to protect assets, build disaster preparedness and mitigate the effects of future droughts.
Kenya Sanitation and Hygiene Improvement Program (KSHIP) in Wajir County
Wajir South Development Association (WASDA) as one of the WASH actors in Wajir county, with support from AMREF Health Africa in Kenya, has been implementing the Kenya Sanitation and Hygiene Improvement Program (K-SHIP) funded by Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) through the Global Sanitation Fund (GSF) from 2015 to 2019. The ultimate objective of moving communities from open defecation to basic latrines, sensitize communities on improved sanitation and hygiene and move significant number of communities with basic latrines to improved sanitation. All these said objective are aimed contributing towards the broader goals of poverty eradication, health and environmental improvement, gender equality and long term social and economic development in the Wajir County.